
rocker arm shaft

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rocker arm shaft为短语/超纲词汇
1. Exercise helped to straighten the injured arm.

2. When a good idea comes your way, write it down — on your arm if necessary.

3. The pain of breaking his arm was hell.

4. The couple strolled arm in arm.

5. The master was walking up and down the room with the iron ruler under his arm and a book in his hand.

6. That same year Bartholdi had assembled the statue's right arm and torch, and displayed them in Philadelphia.

7. Her arm is so badly injured they will have to amputate (it).
    她的胳膊伤势严重, 他们不得不锯掉(它).

8. He pillowed his head on his arm.

9. He raised his arm to protect his face from the blow.

10. Her right arm was in a sling.
